Coworking Space and Your Own Personal Preference

Do people today prefer coworking space over the traditional one? Well, it depends on the person, really. The concept of shared space has existed for years but it is not for everyone. After all, not everyone is a social butterfly who likes to meet and interact with new people.
However, this type of shared space can be an ideal concept if you are looking for a constantly moving, active, and vibrant working space. You can still work with the same people or team but it is your surrounding that will constantly changing. The questions are: is such as shared space idea ideal for you? Are you the traditional type or the modern one? Will your productivity run better in the modern working place?
It all comes down to you and your working methods. If you prefer the actively busy and vibrant surrounding, then the coworking space will work best for you. Unlike the traditional office where you are surrounded by the same people, facing the same wall and cubicle, or being in the same atmosphere, the shared space will be completely different. Since you will be sharing the ‘office’ with other people, you will meet new people on a daily basis. Will you be in the same quiet and boring situation? It is unlikely. On the contrary, expect noise and great mobility around you.
If you are okay with the noise and the constant movement, this active shared office is your answer. If you look forward to meeting new people and expand your horizon, nothing does it better than this coworking space. If you like the idea that you may encounter possible investors or business partners or simply friends to discuss or talk, this shared space concept will be right up your alley. Just make sure that you really understand the overall concept, the strength, and even the possible flaws before you jump into the situation.
GoWork - Coworking Space Jakarta